Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Macro Flowers

I decided to do a post today of some close up flowers shots that I have done. I love photographing flowers. A macro flower is a very stereotypical and overdone shot that most photographers do not want anything to do with because it has been done before. But I love flower shots and I like being able to make them my own. This post is not really a shoot as much as a selection of flower shots from the last month. I often will shoot macro flower shots while I am doing other stuff. I go outside and photograph my dog and I take a couple images of my garden. I love seeing how the light will work with the flower, will it come through, or will I end up with a shadowed area. And even more so is will I be happy with it. This post will not be going into details about each image like other posts. It is just a post to show some of my work.


  1. Very nice. The pink flower especially. It is shot from a very unique angle.

  2. These are some gorgeous images-- most especially the one with the pink flower. :) I really like the lighting and depth as well as the stark contrast of the yellow flower against it's background. <3

  3. @Ophelia Thank you for the comment. Often people never look up at something. I often shoot up because it is such a unique angle.

  4. @TehOpheliac I appreciate the input. The colors are often one of the most important things in a photograph. A good color composition make a huge difference in an image.

  5. My favorites are the green berries and the thistle. Both seem 3-dimensional because of how well you use the depth of field. Nice composition of light in the background that gives it a sense of movement, making me imagine a gentle breeze.

  6. I do have a special place in my heart for the berry image. So special I included it in a post about flowers.
