Monday, October 18, 2010

Conversations with myself 6

This is the crowning achievement in my Conversations with myself assignment. It took hours to do this image. I had almost an hour long set up time to get everything ready, about 40 minutes of shooting, and 5 hours in Photoshop. I was aiming for a 1970's summer party look. I know I did not get it quite right. If I had the money I would have purchased clothes in the style of the time period as well as props. The car is from the 90s and the grill is propane. So Anachronism but it will work for the scope of the class. I do want to do more post-processing on it but first I need to figure out what to do to get the right look of the 1970s photographs. I want that vintage look.

A few things I did learn:
 1) As awesome as the ability to mass process images in camera RAW is, you will have different lighting between images.
2) The masking does get a lot easier as you get use to it. By the end I was flying through masks.
3) Watch Shadows.
4) Layer the images with the closest figure at the top.

I would like to redo this image but I do not have the time right now. I mass processed the images in raw and should have done each individually. Some have dark spots now and some have bright spots. If I can figure out how to copy a mask I should be able to do it within a short amount of time.

I had a lot of fun with this. I was shooting several images and then running back behind the camera and grabbing a new shirt and throwing it on and running back and shooting more. I shot more than I used because I wanted to have different options to chose from. I loaded all of the images into this one image and masked them very roughly. I them stacked the images with the person in the same location and toggled them on and off to pick which one I wanted. For the most part I used the first image I had shot but at least once two of the images overlapped and I had to cut one.

I can not wait to do more images like this and to start putting more effort into it.

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