Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New photos coming soon

The last few months have been pretty hectic. Been shooting lots but not time to process. Hopefully this coming weekend new work will be coming.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

DC in HDR part 3

Many people consider HDR that has been overdone similar to these images to be a gimmick, not real art, pop junk, and they might be right. I create these because I enjoy them. I think it is a unique view that can be interesting. If this makes me no better than a Michael Bay of photography, I am okay with that. I am enjoying myself.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Making the Ugly Beautiful

This is one of my Color Photography class projects. The assignment was to make the ugly beautiful. I decided to just photograph everyday items up close to create a much more abstract look.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

More Lightning Photos

I chose not to color balance these images because I actually preferred the color as it was shot. Some are just barely there but I was excited that I was able to capture even just the remotest part of the bolts so many times in one night when my previous success had been one bolt a night.